

Installation of AGFA, Medireport, Medis and Barco products is our speciality. We have 10 years, and counting, of experience with these products. Installations include... 

AGFA Enterprise Imaging


AGFA IMPAX Heartstation

AGFA Connectivity Manager

Medireport Cardioreport Suite

Medis Suite

Barco Healthcare Imaging


These systems are installed using Oracle Databases or SQL Server Databases on Windows platform that can be on VMWare platform or a physical server.



A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a medical imaging technology which provides storage and access to images from multiple modalities. Images and reports are transmitted digitally, negating the need for manual storage of films and reports. PACS systems handle images from various medical modalities, including ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance (MR), Nuclear Medicine imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), mammograms (MG), digital radiography (DR), etc.

Typically a PACS consists of multiple devices:

  1. HIS/RIS

  2. Modality

  3. PACS Gateway

  4. Storage

  5. Reporting Workstation

The communication with the PACS is done through DICOM via a LAN or a WAN. 

PACS interface with hospital information systems (HIS) and Radiology Information System (RIS), the communication is done via Health Level 7 (HL7). Typical data from HIS and RIS are patient data and order data.

*Basic architecture which will vary from site to site and manufacturer to manufacturer.

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